
Letter to Demand Good Faith

Please note that this letter has been approved by both the Executive Committee and Public Service Alliance of Canada.

Letter to Demand Good Faith–CARE bargaining

Dear Concordia University’s Human Resources department,

Concordia Association of Research Employees (CARE) is currently representing me at the bargaining table during negotiations with the employer. 

I would like to see that the employer is and will be negotiating in good faith as much as CARE’s Bargaining Committee so that both parties can reach a new collective agreement.

Offering various suggestions and requesting conversations on crucial items at the bargaining table, CARE’s Bargaining Committee has shown its will to reach agreement with the University. However, it has been a serious disappointment for both our team and our union members including myself to learn that crucial items, such as monetary issues and benefits, have not been discussed at the table.

I would like to know that the employer will agree with the CARE bargaining team that it is crucial that we discuss and resolve these critical issues without further delay as part of its practice of negotiating in good faith. I ask that you communicate your agreement with this position by March 10th, 2023. 

Best regards,

[member’s name]