
Join CARE’s Committees!

A vital and full executive and delegate team is essential to our union’s operations.

Join the Executive Team!

The future of CARE depends on you.

All 7 positions in the CARE executive committee are available for renewal.

Responsibilities as an executive include:

  • A weekly one-hour meeting for operations;
  • Union representation on committees;
  • Participating in meetings with PSAC officers and Concordia University’s HR;
  • Organizing events and mobilization.

Click on position titles to learn more about the responsibilities directly related to each position and general duties as an executive. 


Vice-President/Labour Relations (Loyola Campus)

Vice-President/Labour Relations (Sir George Williams Campus)


Communications Officer

Collective Agreement Coordinator (Loyola Campus)

Collective Agreement Coordinator (​Sir George Williams Campus)

Join the Pay Equity Committee

CARE is in dire need of TWO new Pay Equity Committee members.

Due to a lack of our delegates, the Pay Equity Committee has stopped operating. The committee is essential to improve pay equity at Concordia University.

If you identify as trans-feminine, woman, non-binary notwithstanding your sex assigned at birth, we highly encourage you to join the PEC.

Q. What is the Pay Equity Committee for?

A. “Pay equity is a fundamental human right and the federal Pay Equity Act is intended to address this issue. The Act requires all federally regulated employers to partner with unions to implement pay equity plans […] with the goal of closing systemic pay discrimination gaps.” (PSAC)

Q. What would be the required commitment to be part of this committee?

A. The candidates should expect a long-term commitment of 18 months where they should be available to join bi-weekly meetings.

Concordia University assumes full responsibility for the salary for the time spent performing this committee work. 

To join, please send an e-mail to