Save the Date and Cast your Vote.
After a very long and difficult bargaining process, CARE’s bargaining committee has reached a Memorandum of Understanding with the University. Please review the documents we send you by email very carefully to understand what the new Collective Agreement entails.
As members of CARE, it is our responsibility to vote on whether we accept this proposed Collective Agreement, or send the bargaining committee back to the bargaining table.
According to PSAC bylaws, to vote on the Collective Agreement, members must have signed a union card, and must be participating in either of the 2 information sessions for CARE members on March 11 or March 13th. At the end of each session, a vote to ratify or reject will be held via Zoom. To ratify the collective agreement, more than 50% of the CARE members attending the meetings must vote “Yes”.
Check email for instructions to register for meeting on March 11 at 18:00; or March 13 at 12:00. (You need your PSAC ID to register.)
Please note that even if you do not sign for a union card, and not vote, your employtment is still governed by the terms of the collective agreement. Your participation ensures that your interestes are communicated to all parties involved.

If you do not sign your union card, or do not register for the meeting, or cannot attend either of these meetings, you will not be able to vote.
We realize this may be a short notice, but this is to avoid further delays and confusions with regards to your salary adjustments.
Please pay close attention to your emails for instructions and information.
What’s on the Table?
Please check your emails for documents in English and French that summarise the proposed changes; please read them, and bring any questions you have to one of the ratification meetings. A vote “Yes” binds us to the Collective Agreement. A vote “No” sends the CARE team back to the bargaining table with the University to try and get a better deal.
How can you help?
Please do what you can to be sure your CARE peers are informed about this important vote. Beyond attending one of the ratification meetings, the most useful thing you can do as a CARE member is to check that other CARE members you know are informed that these meetings are happening. Ask your CARE colleagues if they have received this email! We must include as many members as possible for these critical votes, so if you think we’re missing someone (especially those who have stopped being CARE members after Dec 15 2023), please let us know.