Information on 2024 CARE Delegate Positions

Available Position

Please note that positions with unspecified committee constitute the Executive Committee. Regardless of the current candidate(s) enlisted below, every position is open for nomination and election.

Title: President (1)
Incumbent: Chris Law, (interim until September 2024 or the next Assembly)
Description: The President’s main role is to oversee the general business of the union, to give visibility to the significance of CARE member’s contributions to the University, and to champion the cause of improved quality of work conditions for the university research employees.

Title: Vice-President/Labour Relations (2)
Incumbent: None (both SGW and LOY)
Description: The VP of Labour Relations’ main role is to inform members of their rights under the collective agreement and ensure that the University is following the rules of the collective agreement when it comes to termination and discipline, and to advise employees on the grievance procedure if necessary.

Title: Communications Officer (1)
Incumbent: None
Description: The Comms Officer’s main role is drafting and coordinating all correspondence and newsletters to members, as well as managing social media and internet posts representing the CARE union.

Title: Collective Agreement Coordinator at LOY (1)
Incumbent: None
CA Coordinator at SGW position is held by Guénolé Choné (as of April 5th, 2024)
Description: The Collective Agreement Coordinator’s main role is to help oversee drafting of new collective agreements (this will happen in 2026), as well as assist the VP in ensuring that the University is following the terms of the current Collective Agreement for all other matters.

Title: Health and Safety Committee Representative (1)
Committee: Health and Safety Committee (with the University)
Incumbent: None
Description: The University Health & Safety Committee is a parity committee, which operates within the spirit of Quebec’s health and safety legislation and carries out most of the functions prescribed in the Act Respecting Occupational Health and Safety and the Act Respecting Industrial Accidents and Occupational Diseases.

Title: Pay Equity Committee Representatives (3)
Committee: Pay Equity Committee
Incumbent: To be updated
Description: The main purpose of the committee is to provide a framework for categorisation of employees, and ensure that, if any categories are female-dominated, the pay is raised to meet that of male-dominated categories. The committee is currently at the stage of sending out a survey to employees, and will need help analysing survey responses and communicating those to the employer.

Title: Auditor (2)
Committee: Finance Audit Committee
Incumbent: None
Description: The Auditor’s main role is, once per year, to audit the books and report this to the general assembly, as well as to have this ratified by the members when the Secretary-Treasurer resigns.

Title: Delegate of the membership (3-12)
Committee: Board of representatives
Incumbent: None
Description: Delegates are a main contact point for members, helping to inform them of activities of the union and direct their comments and concerns to the executive committee. These are lighter assignments than the executive committee positions.

Nominate Yourself

To nominate yourself, please write to us by replying to our latest email communication.

For more information regarding the Executive Committee, you can find the information below.

The Executive Committee of the Union shall be made up of seven (7) members in good standing:

i. President;

ii. Vice-President/Labour Relations – Loyola Campus;

iii. Collective Agreement Coordinator – Loyola Campus;

iv. Vice-President/Labour Relations – Sir George Williams Campus;

v. Collective Agreement Coordinator – Sir George Williams Campus;

vi. Communications Officer;

vii. Secretary-Treasurer

General Responsibilities of Executive Committee

The Union Executive Committee shall be responsible for:

i. Offering service to members and managing the Union’s day-to-day business;

ii. Preparing and calling General Assemblies;

iii. Ensuring that decisions made by the General Assembly are implemented;

iv. Developing and suggesting union policies that must be approved by the General Assembly;

v. Ensuring that the collective agreement is applied;

vi. Forming all committees it deems necessary to its work and appointing members thereto;

vii. Authorizing solidarity disbursements in the form of a loan or donation not to exceed $500, in accordance with the policies adopted by the Union’s General Assembly;

viii. Managing the hiring, working conditions and compensation of the Union’s contract and/or permanent staff;

ix. Presenting an annual report of its activities to the Union’s Annual General Assembly;

x. Seeing to it that the duties of one or several member(s) of the Executive Committee who are temporarily absent are performed;

xi. Replacing until the next General Assembly and by a simple majority vote in favour all persons resigning from an elected union position from the General Assembly (with the exception of positions on the Finance Audit Committee); and replacing any person resigning from any other union position, if necessary;

xii. Developing and implementing the training (education) policy of members of the Union;

xiii. Ensuring that research employees are represented on Union bodies and committees;

Executive Committee meetings shall be held no fewer than nine (9) times a year. Any member of the Executive Committee can request that an Executive Committee meeting be called.

Responsibilities and Duties of Executive Committee Members

The President, Secretary and Treasurer are elected by all members.
The 2 Vice-Presidents and 2 Collective Agreement Coordinator are elected by their own group (Loyola/SGW campus).

The President shall:

i. Be responsible for the internal administration of the Union;

ii. See to it that all responsibilities entrusted to a member or to a Union committee are indeed performed;

iii. Be informed of all documents produced by organizations that are directly or indirectly related to the Union’s activities; and see to it that this information is forwarded to the appropriate union bodies;

iv. Be the spokesman and official representative of the Union;

v. Be responsible for the Union’s relations with the other unions, PSAC bodies and other groups or organizations;

vi. Chair and direct Executive Committee meetings;

vii. Sign official documents for the Union: minutes of General Assemblies, Executive Committee meetings and the collective agreement, etc.;

viii. Automatically sit on all committees;

ix. Call Union meetings, should the secretary be unable to perform their duties and;

x. Sign documents pertaining to chartered bank instruments.

The Vice-Presidents shall:

i. Assist the President with his/her duties. When the President is absent or in vacancy, the executive decides who between the two vice-presidents shall be named president by interim, they then shall assume all of the latter’s authority;

ii. Be responsible for ensuring that research employees are represented on Union bodies and committees;

iii. Be responsible for the Union’s personnel management;

iv. Assist the Collective Agreement Coordinator with his/her duties;

v. Be responsible for gathering, compiling and distributing all information to members;

vi. Implement, coordinate and review, as required, the information disclosure system and the update of union publications, Internet sites and other means of dissemination;

vii. Be responsible for the visibility and communications of CARE/AERC, among other things, on Internet and;

viii. Coordinate the information and mobilization committee.

The Collective Agreement Coordinators shall:

i. Be responsible for the process of developing the draft collective agreement;

ii. Be responsible for the Collective Agreement Bargaining Committee;

iii. Be responsible for enforcing the collective agreement and, particularly, for the Grievance Committee;

iv. Prepare union-employer meetings.

The Communications Officer shall:

i. Coordinate all correspondence forwarded by or received by the local;

ii. Write and send CARE/AERC newsletters.

iii. Manage all CARE/AERC internet sites, including the CARE/AERC Facebook page.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall:

i. Serve as secretary at General Assemblies and Executive Committee meetings;

ii. Sign all official documents with the president of the Union;

iii. Call Union meetings, write up and send out minutes they signs along with the president of the Union;

iv. Be responsible for the general organization of the secretariat and make sure that all documents produced by the various committees are received;

v. Be responsible for the cash receipts owed to the Union and the payment of any amounts owed by the Union; and sign all cheques and all banking documents with the other signers;

vi. Ensure that the Union’s financial transactions are properly posted in all of the appropriate accounting logs; and prepare the Union’s financial reports;

vii. Prepare the budget forecasts with the other members of the Union’s Executive Committee and act as the union’s financial adviser with respect to the budget adopted by the General Assembly;

viii. Be responsible for the management of salaries paid to Union employees;

ix. Be responsible for sending amounts owing to the organizations the Union is affiliated with; and forwarding donations or loans authorized as support by Union bodies;

x. Not be allowed to resign until the books have been audited by the Audit Committee which shall have its report ratified by the following General Assembly within thirty (30) days.